“Crazy” Perspective

This is my first blog in almost a year.  I felt like God wanted me to stop for a season until something really significant happened.  Last night, something very significant did happen- we were approved for rezoning by the City of Greenfield.

This is HUGE for many reasons.  It is huge because this is not an easy process.  It is huge because there are a lot of risks involved.  Most importantly, it is huge because God has spoken loud and clear to us.

Last January, our leadership sensed God calling us to take a step of faith and pursue a permanent location.  This was not what I thought we would be doing at this time, but God made it clear.  This meant that we would ALL have to take a step of faith by giving in a way that we have never given before.  We did this by taking part in a generosity initiative called “Crazy.”  We did this without knowing what the future would hold as we didn’t have a land or building at that time.  Once again, we did it by faith, trusting God had a plan.

The “Crazy” initiative was the best thing for us.  It challenged us to re-think our priorities, trust God in the area of our finances, and tested the temperature of our hearts for God’s mission in our community.  The great thing about it is that it is still doing that today.

Last night’s positive vote should speak volumes to us.  This is an incredible piece of land.  To have an opportunity to have complete highway visibility, off of a main road is truly a gift from God.  God has truly provided us with an amazing opportunity.

Let me put this in perspective- God is trusting our church with this opportunity.  For some reason, He has chosen us to have this incredible spot for this time.  This is a stewardship issue.    Will we be good stewards of what God has given us?  Will we use it for ourselves or will we use it to further His Story, His mission in our community/world?  Will we be willing to sacrifice, give, be a part of this process so God can accomplish all He wants to accomplish?

What started in January was a journey of faith.  It still is.  For God to open up a door like this for us means He wants to do something really SIGNIFICANT through our community.  Let’s take advantage of this opportunity that God has opened for us.  We can give ourselves to a lot of things in this life, but NOTHING is better than giving our lives to God’s mission.

~ by markweigt on November 2, 2011.

One Response to ““Crazy” Perspective”

  1. Congratulations to Pastor Mark & his team! We cannot wait to be part of the permanent location:)

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